girl with stretch-tite box
girl with stretch-tite boxes

A household tradition since 1971

Other companies have customers, we have groupies. For as long as we’ve been making the finest quality wrap on the planet, households have been dedicated to using it.


stretch-tite® saves the day...

While loading my car for the day with plans to go to a housewarming party later on, I placed a casserole dish on top of my car. Only 5 seconds after reminding myself "don't forget the casserole!" Of course, I proceeded to get in my car and drive away. 10 or so minutes later (approximately 5 miles down the road), after making a couple turns and accelerating to about 35 mph, I heard a "thud" and suddenly remembered my casserole on the car roof! My immediate panic quickly disappeared, however, as I found the casserole dish safely resting upside down against the roof rack. The casserole looked exactly as it did after wrapping it with Stretch-Tite® in my kitchen! Lucky for me Stretch-Tite® did the trick and everyone was able to enjoy! Thanks! :-)

Why I Love stretch-tite®

In the middle of prepping food for a wedding we were catering, I sent my husband to the store to get stretch-tite®. He returned with a roll of brand X and I let out a collective groan and proceeded to explain to him there is a big difference in the quality of plastic wrap and its performance.

Enter the superhero of leftovers everywhere – stretch-tite® Plastic Wrap! The caterers in the kitchen swoon, "We'll never use another plastic wrap product again!" Stretch-Tite® always clings tightly to the glass containers I use in the kitchen. I am even able to stack lightweight items on top of bowls covered with Stretch-Tite® which allows me to cram more stuff in my fridge and use space more efficiently. Stretch-Tite® is also great because it is more sturdy and holds up better than other brands and costs less too! Now my husband knows better – Stretch-Tite® is really an essential kitchen tool.
I have been using stretch-tite since 1980 when I got my first microwave. My favorite aspect is that it truly DOES cling to whatever you are covering and preserves it as it should be. My go-to use is automatic. If it needs covered there is only one way - get the stretch-tite out. I have recommended this product since I first used it, and still do and always will. Many of my friends are now customers too. Your great product is appreciated by me.
stretch-tite is the only plastic wrap, in my opinion. Everything else is a waste of your time and money,” says Associate Food Editor Meghan Splawn. “I actually had no idea what this miracle product was until my first food styling job, many years ago… It’s easier to roll out than other brands, thicker so it stretches better around bowls, and it does a much much better job of sticking to itself than other plastic wraps.

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